CLC issues updated site operating procedures

May 25 2020

CLC issues updated site operating procedures

The Construction Leadership Council (“CLC”) has issued updated Site Operating Procedures which incorporate a number of changes recently published in the government guidance regarding safe working during coronavirus (Working safely during coronavirus – Construction and other outdoor work).

The changes from previous versions are minimal and include references to one-way systems, the reconfiguration of seating and tables, and an update on portable toilets. In addition, they include the requirement to share risk assessments with the workforce and clarification on when to travel to work. For more information on the changes please see the Infrastructure Intelligence article on the changes here.

The full guidance sets out how employers may safely return to work and includes consideration of staggered start and finish times to reduce congestion, increased frequency of cleaning, and restrictions on the number of people using facilities such as showers and toilets at any one time. See the guidance here.

Whilst the necessary changes for new working are likely to come at a cost, it is currently unclear how long the guidance will need to be in place for. In our opinion the changes brought in as a result of Covid-19 may create a longer-term shift in traditional working patters as we transition to a new normal, but for now it is great to see that the primary aim is worker safety rather than concerns over profitability. Going forward it will be interesting to see whether shifts in working patters generate opportunities as well as costs as we transition to a different working environment.